
Last day in paradise

Well my burn did fade to a tan by the next morning which was a pleasant surprise. It was a good thing because we went for some really wonderful massages. These also helped the sunburns as the oil helped rehydrate the skin. Next we had appointments to get some new tattoos and after finding out we could still swim the next day if we got an old fashion Bamboo tattoo we both chose to go that way. In general the Bamboo process is a little more pain during the tattoo because of how deep the Bamboo goes into your skin but by an hour after we could hardly feel them and they have healed fast and well. We are both fairly convinced it’s the only way to go in the future.

For those who care our new tattoos are in Thai and say ‘Adjust Your Expectations’. This has become our mantra over the last couple of months as you may have noticed from our blogs. In general it’s just a good thing to remember when you’re going through life. Our expectations are rarely accurate and being able to adjust them regularly means you’re almost guaranteed to be a happier person and less stressed.

We went on a picture drive with Terry and Nan (I asked how to spell it) yesterday and got caught in a down pour. We ended up having to pull over to a small store and wait it out before carrying on to a Buddhist Temple. Again despite my dislike for gold I found it absolutely stunning. My favourite part was the crematorium. I know that sounds weird but it was very elaborate and beautiful and I found it refreshing that they don’t hide death. It’s weird to me that our culture does everything in its power to hide death. Even when we have to put down an animal we call it being put to sleep and rarely will you find a family who involves the kids in this process despite the fact it’s a natural part of life. What happens when those kids grow up and have never really experienced death and then their parents or other loved ones die? It’s just not healthy in my opinion.

After our drive we met with Terry, Nan, Anna, Christoph, Yvonne and a whole bunch of people they met for dinner at the Korean BBQ. I just can’t get enough of that stuff, it is sooooooo yummy. It was also great to spend our last night in Koh Phangan with so many great people.
This morning was VERY laid back as we listened to the Flames lose (again) to Edmonton and packed. It was pouring rain for much of the morning and this made it nice and cool for the most part. After some long and sad goodbyes to the Austrians and the dogs we were off to Terry’s to drop our stuff and head for some breakfast. We were all tired and after breakfast (at 1300hrs) we headed back to the bungalow for a nap before catching our ferry to Koh Sumui. Before the ferry Eric and I decided to take one last walk on the beach and dip our toes in the Gulf of Thailand one last time before we left. Unfortunately this meant we had to book it to the ferry and I think they were within seconds of leaving without us. With quick goodbye hugs and hopes of returning soon for longer we were off. We have both become attached to this place and with the low cost of living it makes me wonder why anyone wouldn’t come back! Even if you had kids it would be a great, safe, low cost vacation. (No Grandma I’m not pregnant! It was just a thought I had.)

We’re now in Koh Sumui waiting for our flight to Bangkok where we’ll spend two days before heading to Ireland to see Glenn and meet up with Eric’s cousin Sharaya for a couple days. We are both feeling moderately excited about the fact we’ll be able to go outside for more than ten minutes without sweating. Although, it should be said that sweating this much does wonders for your complexion!

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