
I looked like a cartoon character!

Yesterday afternoon Nhan and I did a little shopping (nothing for you Andrea, sorry) while Eric and Terry worked on a boat. The guy who owns it doesn’t have a clue and would barely know how to start it if you asked him. When they opened the engine room door it was at least 50C and by the time they were done getting the engines started both of them were literally soaked in sweat and covered in dirt. Of course this meant it was high time to head to the pool and after a quick $1 lunch we headed back to the bungalow.
For dinner we headed back to Noot’s restaurant the Spicy Spoon for dinner. We ordered a whole bunch of stuff and Nhan ordered a Thai favourite, Papaya Salad. Now, I knew this was spicy stuff but I didn’t know that Nhan ordered the dish extra spicy. I’ve been slowly weaning myself onto spicier food while we’ve been here and I can handle a lot more than I used to, but it’s still not that much. I took a large fork full and shoved it all in my mouth. And then it started, first my head thought, “Oh My God I’m in deep crap now!” Then I said “Holy SHIT!” (Sorry Grandma, I panicked!) Then my mouth started to burn like NEVER before. Then I grabbed for the coldest thing near me (other than the salad) and chugged half a beer (Grandma, maybe you shouldn’t read this post.). That helped, while I was drinking it! At this point Eric looked at me and a look of panic struck his face, I knew this meant I was in real trouble. As the sweat began to pour from places I didn’t even know I had sweat glands and slowly the drops rolled down my face I looked around to see everyone looking back at me laughing. Eric told me later that I literally looked like a cartoon character and the look of panic was him seeing the bright red color rising on my face like a temperature gauge while my ears seemed to spew steam. All in all, I did survive the experience and the salad was really good, but, I don’t think I’ll try it again for a little while and when I do, it will be smalllllllll bites. Oh, and I wasn’t just being a wuss, Nhan even said it was hot for her and Eric had to eat it in small bites too.
This morning we listened to the Flame’s Home Opener during breakfast and were really excited after the first period...too bad they fell apart again after that. We better get home soon to straighten them out! Maybe I’ll give Mike a call tonight to give him some tips. The most annoying part of the game was the ocean breeze rustling the palm trees making it hard to hear!
Later we met the couple in the bungalow next to us for dinner. They are from Austria and have fallen in love with ‘my’ puppy too. At least they are allowed to buy dog food for it, me, not so much. Eric’s a hard-ass!


AndreaJ said...

"The most annoying part of the game was the ocean breeze rustling the palm trees making it hard to hear!"

Oh. Poor you. Please excuse me while I cry myself to sleep...

Laurie was right, you two are spoiled! ...I love you anyways.

Milton Explorers said...

says little miss 'I accidentally had a three hour nap today'!!

I love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey, when are you 2 clowns back? You've had your share of Saturdays already.