
Anticipation of quiet

Well we did get to the Java House and all the other places we needed to. The coffee was as good as before and I found a new drink to calm my coughing. All in all it was a productive day.

Though it was productive it was still a day in the city and there have been way too many of those lately. Both Eric and I are very ready for the peace and quiet of Acacia Camp. I think that in Calgary we often overlook the fact that wilderness is just moments away. In Africa those who don’t live in the country are not likely to visit the ‘wild’ very often and the thought of peace and quiet is I’m sure foreign. If nothing more this trip has absolutely solidified the fact that we value God’s natural wonders and more than that we value being there without other people. Not that we don’t love you all, but you’re noisy!

I can’t wait for Monday when we can spend the day exploring, finding animals and just basically enjoying God’s beauty. Of course, with my luck some loud bird or monkey will follow me around for the whole day and I’ll end up plotting it’s death (in the most humane way possible of course).

Tomorrow morning we’ll leave here for Acacia and we don’t expect to have internet access again until the 24th at the earliest so please don’t be concerned if you don’t hear from us. We’ll keep blogging and upload them all when we get back into Arusha.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

enjoying your blog....keep them coming...


Aunt Joan